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Sep 24, 2012

Turning a Blank Canvas Into A Work of Art

By on Sep 24, 2012

I used to paint, so I thought I would reuse some old canvas and give them a face life with some fun family pictures. The idea for this project grew out this project mainly because I just wanted to try it to see if I liked this better... Jury's stil out.

What Your Need:

  • Canvas. Can be bought at any craft store. Mine was a 7 x 9 stretched canvas that I had laying around.
  • Modge Podge. What household would be complete without this!
  • Large Photo Print. This time I had an 8 x 10 laying around that I wasn't displaying so I used this. 

How To Do It: 

Step 1: Modge Podge the canvas and the back of the picture. 


I just had an old canvas that I had painted on, so I just applied the glue over it.

Step 2: Align photo on canvas and let dry. 

The back of the Modge Podge says 15-20 minutes, that seemed to be enough time.

Step 3: Score overlapping edges with exact-o knife. 

 Be very careful not to cut through, the point of this is to make it easier to fold the sides of the photo around the canvas.

Step 4: Glue and clamp sides.


Let dry a couple of hours to set well and repeat on opposite sites.


Step 5: Remove clamps and Viola! You Are Done And It is Amazing and Ready to Hang!

What you do think of the finished project?

About Juli Camarin

Juli Camarin is a blogger who enjoys writing, creating, capturing, recording & sharing beauty. She currently writes two blogs, and


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